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Project 1. Children's Education

rpana serves 30,000 urban poor in the slum resettlement colony of Molar Bund, New Delhi. Services include: tuition classes, including computer training, for slum children in grades 1 through 12; Pre-school and crèches to care for 500+ young children; Vocational training for students in beauty culture, tailoring, crafts and computers.

Arpana’s children in Molar Bund have achieved top positions in their classes, prizes for debate, speaking, reading, sports, cleanliness and other awards

Arpana Canada aims to advance education by providing digital blackboards, pedal sewing machines and similar equipment to the educational facility at Molar Bund to educate children in need.

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Arpana Canada is a registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency. Our charitable registration number is: 80942 7388 RR0001

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